Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness

KCAH exists to serve the community. The organisation was created to fulfil a desire of the churches in unity to provide for those becoming homeless. The task is huge, and in a wealthy community, usually hidden from sight.

KCAH aims to improve the quality of life of both homeless people and people in housing risk in the borough of Kingston and surrounding areas and is working towards achieving the eradication of the problem of homelessness both locally and nationally.

In working towards its mission, KCAH is a caring organisation, valuing and respecting the dignity, independence and individuality of homeless people and people in housing risk and is committed to working with them in an enabling and empowering manner.

As a parish, we support this vital charity with an annual donation, although this is often supplemented with additional donations as a result of fund raising throughout the year.

Please visit the KCAH website below for further information.
