Fr Chris O’Brien – 50th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood
Fr Chris wrote as an introduction to the Mass booklet:
“Friday 12th March is the date of my 50th anniversary of ordination to the Priesthood. It is with great joy that I celebrate Mass here this evening for you all. I spent almost ten years in this parish, and they were very happy years, working firstly with Fr Tony Ford, and then with Fr Anthony.
The whole purpose of this evening is to say thank you to you all, not only for putting up with me during those years, but, and this is serious, for the wonderful send off you gave me when I retired. When I came back a few weeks later for the farewell Mass, so beautifully planned and arranged by so many people, I was to use the phrase of C.S. Lewis “Surprised by Joy” and for me that was the happiest occasion of my life.
Tonight’s Mass will be a simple one (I hope that by now the dentist will have provided me with a new denture!) and is my way of saying thank you for the 10 years I served here, and for all the kindness shown to me since moving into my flat in Ewell Road in October 2008: without your loving care, I simply would not have survived.
Please do join me in the hall afterwards for some refreshments”
The following pictures were taken in the hall after Mass.